The Road to 2012 copyright@ Brian Griffin
今年世界盃各球隊的屍骨還未寒,現在便討論倫敦2012奧運看來言之過早;不過,一個名為The Road to 2012的攝影計劃卻早在去年展開。英國National Portrait Gallery以官方代表找了六位攝影師輪流拍攝與倫敦奧運相關的人物肖像,頭炮便是英國攝影師Brian Griffin。
熟知Brian Griffin風格的朋友,大概都知他的創作永遠想打破框框,過去他拍攝的肖像充滿無法解釋的神秘性和荒誕感,他曾說過自己受卡夫卡小說和德國表現主義的電影影響不少.由此可見他的喜好取向。
今趟National Portrait Gallery要求Brian Griffin拍攝二十張肖像照,大部份都是二至四人的群體照片。他在一篇博客裡提到:
Each portrait took around two hours of concentrated effort because my photographic methods are very precise and - in the case of this project - sculptural. So it might lead to me even puppeteering my subjects at times and asking them to remain in a pose for a length of time.
雖然Brian Griffin已屬殿堂級的攝影師,但他要經常突破自己,難免感到壓力,在一篇關於他的訪談裡,作者寫道:
But despite his years of experience, Brian Griffin admits to feeling the pressure, not least because it’s no easy task to shoot a series of outdoor group portraits to a tight timetable during the worst winter in three decades. But on a more basic level, the pressure is on himself to deliver something special. “My name’s on the line,” says the photographer, who is famous for going beyond the call.
看來,名利確是有點困身。讀者可以在Brian Griffin的網頁裡看到他其中15張照片,其餘5張是未完成還是未公開,不得而知。下一位排隊接力的攝影師是德國出生的Bettina Von Zwehl,攝影評論人Joerg Colberg讚賞她的conceptual portraiture 並不是眼高手低的觀念作品;她會拍攝剛剛起床的人、或者遭遇落湯雞的人,又或者忍著呼吸的人等等,與我們慣常拍攝「肖像」的方式和理念不同。我們且拭目以待吧。
The Road to 2012,唔知還以為是搞2012雙普選。要走完這普選路,看來仍很漫長。不如就把它變成攝影計劃,邀請下任特首候選人拍攝肖像,看看攝影肖像能否展現什麼端倪?
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